Comptche Preparedness In-person Meeting with Special Guest Speaker

Thursday July 13, 7 PM. at the Church/Shelter


  1. Fire season readiness, preparedness projects, resources, other issues.
  2. Special Guest Speaker: Michael Jones PhD, UC Cooperative ExtensionForestry Advisor, and Chair of Mendocino County Prescribed Burn Association (MCPBA)

Michael Jones will talk about low-intensity prescribed fire as a tool for land stewardship in our environment. He’ll describe its use in Mendocino County and the purpose of the Prescribed Burn Association. Dr Jones speaks to many citizen groups, addresses concerns, and welcomes your questions. Please join in this educational and lively discussion.

Michael Jones’s resume:

Harnessing Fire to Manage California’s Forests by Michael Jones, PhD:

A Conversation with UCCE Forester, Michael Jones:

Help Us Bring Faster Internet Service

Take Action Now
To Help Bring Faster Internet Service To Comptche

We need you to do two things right away:

  • 1: SIGN UP FOR FURTHER REACH: Please go to the Further Reach website ASAP at and sign up for service.  This is quick — you will be asked for specific location info, which rate tier you want, and to pin-point your exact location on a digital map.  You will also be asked to digitally sign a user agreement – don’t worry – please just go ahead and do this. The Agreement is technically binding when signed but its scope is quite limited until you have service. For instance, the agreement stipulates how they will protect your data, and grants them permission to survey your property to see if there is service. There are no financial commitments until you accept an installation appointment. Even then it is only a month to month contract (no lock-in) and a 30-day money-back guarantee. So please don’t hesitate to sign and submit. It is just the first step.

  • 2: FILL OUT OUR SURVEY IN SURVEY MONKEY:  Since any ISP will also want the same kind of information Further Reach is requesting, we very much need you to ALSO go to this link and fill out our short survey that we can use to provide information to Etheric and other potential ISPs:

Thank You,

Comptche Broadband Committee

Comptche Seed Swap at the Hall – Feb 22, 2020

30672 Comptche Ukiah Rd., Comptche, CA 95427

Let’s get together and swap extra seeds, share garden catalogs, garden stuff, chit chat, and if you want – bring a snack or drink to share!

If you have extras to share, bring to share. If you just want to learn, bring yourself. Admission is FREE.

Everything “Garden” is welcome — seeds, starts, cuttings, containers, books, catalogs, snacks, drinks, wine (wine comes from grapes 😎)

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